Path to Calm 002: Belly Breathing

better health

Today’s post will focus on another breathing exercise called “Belly Breathing”. This is another basic, beginner-level exercise that focuses on calming the heart and lowering blood pressure. Find a comfortable seated or lying position, place one hand on your stomach below the ribcage, and the other on your chest. Breathe in through the nose while directing the breath toward the …

Path to Calm 001: Sama Vritti Breathing

stress calm treatment

We’re starting a new weekly post series which we’re calling the “Path to Calm”, a series dedicated to providing a variety of tips and advice on how to turn down the volume of the noise and chaos of your daily routine. Today we offer up a breathing technique called Sama Vritti, or “Equal Breathing”. This is a beginner level technique …

Escape Pod Aphelion Tanks, and Why We Chose Them

Float Room Render

When I first joined the Float Rubicon team, Robert and I had many long discussions about what was important to us for this company. Top of this list was the guest experience, ensuring that from beginning to end our guests feel safe, comfortable, relaxed, and overjoyed with the time spent with us. This is the true guest investment after all: …

Floating for the Mind: Five Reasons to Take a Mental Vacation in a Float Tank

Modern-day living demands a lot from you. Whether it’s the fast pace and long hours at the office, the twice-daily battle with rush hour traffic, the responsibilities of raising a family, it’s a wonder how we find the time to balance it all and still give back to yourself! Then you hear talk of that oh-so-desirable “mental health day” – …

Prolonging the Afterglow: Seven Ways to Enhance Your Post-Float Experience

Do you feel that? The indulgent sense of calm and serenity that has washed over you? This is the afterglow (more commonly referred to as the post-float glow), the result of allowing yourself an extended session of relaxation and rest in a float tank. If only we could hold on to this feeling of bliss for as long as possible, …